Bachelor's courses
Faculty Of Education - 2010 - 9050
SubjectSubject CodeElective/Compulsory
Introduction to Human BiologyBio 112Compulsory
Scientific CultureCurr111Compulsory
Environmental EducationCurr112Elective
Health EducationCurr113Elective
Introduction to EducationEdu111Compulsory
Philosophical and scientific thinkingEdu112Elective
Introduction to PhilosophyPhi 111Compulsory
History of PsychologyPsy 111Compulsory
Introduction to SociologySoc 113Compulsory
The teacher and the teaching professionEDU 121Compulsory
E nglishEng121Compulsory
Developmental PsychologyMH 121Compulsory
Behavioral and emotional disordersPsy 121Compulsory
Psychological Statistics descriptivePsy 122Compulsory
Contemporary trends in psychologyPsy 123Compulsory
Social ServiceSoc 122Compulsory
Social AnthropologySoc 112Compulsory
School and classroom administrationCOMP 211Compulsory
Teaching miniature 1curr211Compulsory
Psychology childhood and its problemsMH 211Compulsory
Environmental PsychologyPsy 213Compulsory
Analyze and modify behavior 1- Analyze and modify behavior 2Psy 214-MH211Compulsory
PsychophysiologyPsy 221Compulsory
Educational Psychology 1Psy211Compulsory
elective educator object 1333Elective
Elictive educator objective 2444Elective
International EducationComp221Elective
Teaching Pool 2Curr221Compulsory
Education TechnologyCurr222Compulsory
School and communityEDU 221Elective
PsychopathologyMH 224Compulsory
Social PsychologyMH221Elective
Talent and excellence developmentPsy 212Compulsory
Experimental PsychologyPsy 222Compulsory
Psychological Statistics deductivePsy 223Compulsory
Thinking developmentPsy 225Compulsory
Cognitive PsychologyPsy221Elective
Psychology of learning2Psy222Compulsory
Field Training140Compulsory
Teaching Methods 1Curr311Compulsory
IT education specializationCurr312Compulsory
Computer in specializationCurr313Compulsory
Adult education and its applicationsEdu311Compulsory
Personal psychologyMH 313Compulsory
Research Methods in Psychology- Research Methods in PsychologyPsy 311- MH 311Compulsory
Psychological Measurement and EvaluationPsy 312Compulsory
Education social emotional 1- Education social emotional 2Psy 314 - MH 311Compulsory
Field Training140Compulsory
Parenting supervisionComp321Compulsory
Methods of teaching people with special needsCurr321Compulsory
Education and the issues of the dayEdu321Compulsory
Psychology indicativeMH 321Compulsory
Psychology with special needsMH321Compulsory
The psychology profession setup training and licensingPsy 322Compulsory
Psychological testsPsy 323Compulsory
Psychology of creativityPsy 324Compulsory
Computer use in psychologyPsy 325Compulsory
Field Training140Compulsory
Teaching Methods 2Curr411Compulsory
Psychology therapeuticMH 415Compulsory
Mental health and psychological counselingMH411Compulsory
Professional PsychologyPsy 411Compulsory
School PsychologyPsy 412Compulsory
Graduation Project extended 1Psy 413Compulsory
The psychology of learning disabilities 1 the psychology of learning disabilities 2Psy 414- MH 411Compulsory
Field Training140Compulsory
Education system in Egypt and contemporary trendsComp421Compulsory
Educational Thought and its applicationsEdu421Compulsory
Clinical PsychologyMH 422Compulsory
Psychology of adolescence and its problemsMH 423Compulsory
Cognitive PsychologyPsy 421Compulsory
Graduation Project extended 2Psy 422Compulsory
Readings in Psychology in English 1 Readings in Psychology in English 2Psy 424-MH 421Compulsory
Individual Differences and Psychological MeasurementPsy421Compulsory