Basic Information


Mohamed Sobhy Fathy Abdel-Hamed

Faculty Of Science - Geology Department
  • Scientific Degree : Associate Professor
  • Date of Birth : Feb 23, 1973
  • Phone Number : 01061217763
  • E-mail
  • Address :
Scientific Qualifications
  • Master Degree (Geology) - (Tanta University) - عام 2000
  • Bachelor (Geology) - (Tanta University) - بتقدير Very Good - عام 1995
Career Progression
  • Associate Professor on Aug 31, 2021
  • Lecturer on Aug 25, 2006
  • Assistant Lecturer on Oct 29, 2000
  • Demonstrator on Oct 25, 1995
Administrative Positions

Master Thesis

دراسات طباقية وأحفورية مقارنة على مكاشف عصر السينوماني – التوروني بمنطقة خليج السويس – مصر

Comparative stratigraphical and paleontological studies on some Cenomanian/ Turonian exposures in the Gulf of Suez region, Egypt.

PhD Thesis

دراسات طباقية وأحفورية (مراجين بحرية) على مكاشف عصر الكربوني السفلي لتكوين أم بجمة بجنوب وسط سيناء – مصر

Lithostratigraphical and paleontological (Rugosa and Heterocorallia) studies on the Lower Carboniferous (Viséan) Um Bogma Formation, west-central Sinai, Egypt.