Basic Information


Faheem Abdulhameed Abass Farrag

Faculty of Engineering - Physics and Engineering Mathematics Department
  • Scientific Degree : Lecturer
  • Date of Birth : Mar 24, 1974
  • Phone Number :
  • E-mail
  • Address : Monofiya
Scientific Qualifications
  • Ph.D. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) - (Tanta University) - عام 2008
  • Master Degree (Electronics and Communication Engineering) - (Tanta University) - عام 2005
  • Bachelor (Electronics and Communication Engineering) - (Tanta University) - بتقدير Very Good - عام 1997
Career Progression
  • Lecturer on Oct 29, 2008
  • Assistant Lecturer on Feb 28, 2005
  • Demonstrator on Mar 07, 1998
Administrative Positions

Master Thesis

الحلول المعلمية واللامعلمية لمشكلة بهرنز فيشر

PhD Thesis

اختبارات لا معلمية لبعص فصول توزيعات الحياة