Bachelor's courses
SubjectSubject CodeElective/Compulsory
BotanyABT 115Compulsory
MathAEG 113Compulsory
Principles of agricultural engineeringAEG 116Compulsory
General chemistryPLP 114Compulsory
Physics and MeteorologySOW 112Compulsory
English LanguageUNI 111Compulsory
Community Issues2023Compulsory
Greenhouse irrigation systemsAEG 126Compulsory
Economic theory and rural sociologyAGE 125Compulsory
General statisticsAGR 127Compulsory
Principles of horticultureHOR 122Compulsory
Principles of nanotechnologyHOR 123Compulsory
Principles of soil sciencesSOW 124Compulsory
Human RightsUNI 121Compulsory
Greenhouse constructionAEG 236Compulsory
Tissue culture of horticultural cropsHOR 232Compulsory
Principles agronomyHOR 234Compulsory
Introduction to biotechnologyHOR 235Compulsory
Fruit seedlings production technology in greenhousesHOR 237Compulsory
Principles of plant protection and diseasesPLP 233Compulsory
ComputerUNI 231Compulsory
Vegetable productionHOR 242Compulsory
Principles of organic farmingHOR 243Compulsory
Ornamental plant productionHOR 244Compulsory
Physiology of vegetable cropsHOR 245Compulsory
Protected agriculture nurseriesHOR 246Compulsory
Entrepreneurship and InnovationUNI 241Compulsory
Elective 1agri1Elective
Elective 2agri2Elective
Horticultural crops breedingHOR 351Compulsory
Indoor plantsHOR 352Compulsory
Protected vegetable cropsHOR 353Compulsory
Production of commercial cut flowers under greenhouse conditionsHOR 354Compulsory
Unconventional nutrition in greenhousesHOR 356Elective
Pesticide applications in greenhousesPLP 357Elective
Weed control in protected agriculturePLP 358Elective
Nutrient solutionsSOW 355Elective
Diseases of protected vegetableABT 363Compulsory
Abiotic stress physiologyABT 367Elective
Feasibility study of national agricultural projectsAGE 368Elective
Elective 3agri3Elective
Elective 4agri4Elective
Elective 5agri5Elective
Seed production technology of vegetable crop seeds and hybridsHOR 362Compulsory
Postharvest of horticultural cropsHOR 361Compulsory
Protected Fruit CropsHOR 364Elective
Soilless culture of horticultural cropsHOR 365Elective
Climate control in greenhousesHOR 369Elective
Integrated pest management in greenhousesPLP 366Elective
New and renewable energy uses in agricultureAEG 473Compulsory
Production of medicinal plants under greenhouse conditionsHOR 471Compulsory
Ornamental plant physiologyHOR 472Compulsory
Code of ethics and conductHOR 474Compulsory
Field trainingHOR 475Compulsory
Graduation ProjectHOR 476Compulsory
Computer applications in protected agricultureAEG 484Elective
Automatic control of greenhousesAEG 486Elective
Packinghouse framework and equipment for horticultural cropsAEG 488Elective
Greenhouse framework and equipment for horticultural cropsAEG 489Elective
Environmental and economical assessment of agricultural projectsAGE 482Compulsory
Elective 6agri6Elective
Elective 7agri7Elective
Elective 8agri8Elective
Nontraditional vegetable protected cultivationHOR 481Compulsory
Volatile oil production technologyHOR 483Compulsory
Mushroom productionHOR 487Elective
Agricultural waste managementSOW 485Elective