Postgraduate Courses
SubjectSubject CodeElective/Compulsory
mmmMEP 627Compulsory
llllMEP 609Compulsory
bbMEP 604Compulsory
lllllllMEP 605Compulsory
llllllllMEP 602Compulsory
Advanced Fluid DynamicsMEP 601Compulsory
kkkkkkkkkkMEP 603Compulsory
Advanced Gas DynamicaMEP 602Elective
Advanced Fluid Dynamics MEPMEP 601Elective
Intelligent Machine sMEP 603Elective
Computational Fluid Dynamics )1(MEP 606Elective
Advanced ThermodynamicMEP 607Elective
Advanced Heat and Mass TransferMEP 608Elective
Developing Software for Engineering ApplicationsMEP 609Elective
Advanced Measurement SystemsMEP 610Elective
Heat ExchangersMEP 611Elective
Multi-Phase FlowMEP 612Elective
Unsteady Flow of FluidsMEP 613Elective
Turbulent FlowMEP619Elective
Fluid Power SystemsMEP 615Elective
Boundary Layer Theory "MEP 616Elective
Steam Power st ationsMEP 617Elective
Economics of Power GenerationMEP 618Elective
Advanced Trubo-MachinesMEP 620Elective
Energy StorageMEP 621Elective
Water DesalinationMEP 623Elective
Combustion Engineering aMEP 624Elective
Advanced Refrigeration EngineeringMEP 627Elective
Mechanics of FlightMEP 628Elective
Aerothermodynamic Design of Jet EnginesMEP 645Elective
Solar energyMPE 648Elective
Dynamic of Jet EnginesMEP 646Elective
Design of Jet EnginesMEP 619Elective
Modeling And Sim ulationMPE 635Elective
Fuel AlternativesMEP 625Elective
Fuel Injection SystemsMEP 626Elective
Air Conditioning SystemsMPE 635Elective
Air Conditioning Heating and Cooling LoadsMEP 629Elective
Advanced Topics in Air ConditioningMPE 630Elective
Mechatronics System DesignMEP 636Elective
Microprocessors in Mechanical SystemsMEP 637Elective
Heat Transfer By ConvectionMEP 631Elective
Heat Transfer By RadiationMEP 632Elective
Heat Transfer By ConductionMEP 633Elective
The Finite Element Method for EngineersMEP 605Elective
Engineering numerical methodsMEP 605Elective
Advanced Control SystemMEP 638Elective
Sensors and ActuatorsMEP 639Elective
Special Topics in Environmental EngineeringMEP 634Elective
Digital Control Systems DesignMEP 640Elective
Robots Kinematics Dynamics and ControlMPE 641Elective
Intelligent MachinesMEP 642Elective
Gas Turbine Engine ControlMEP 643Elective
Special Topics in Wind EnergyMPE 647Elective
Current Environmental Technology IssuesMEP 651Elective
International Environmental ManagementMEP 652Elective
International Environmental Law and PolicyMEP 653Elective
Numerical Methods in Engineering TechnologyMEP 654Elective
Information Technology in Emergency ManagementMEP 655Elective
Special Topics in Engineerring 1MPE 649Elective
Environmental Systems AtmosphereMEP 657Elective
Environmental Systems HydrosphereMEP 658Elective
Environmental Systems GeosphereMEP 659Elective
Map Reading Use and AnalysisMEP 660Elective
Remote SensingMEP 661Elective
Environment and DevelopmentMEP 662Compulsory
Renewable Energy TechnologiesMEP 622Elective
Ordinary differential equationsPME 551Elective
Applied Project MathematicsPME511Elective
Testing and Calibration of EnginesMEP 537Elective
Seminar MathematicsPME 650Elective
Fuzzy Control SystemsCCE518Elective
Water and Wastewater TreatmentMEP 574Elective
Advanced Fluid MechanicsMEP 509Elective
Refrigeration Load CalculationMEP-570Elective
Air Conditioning Heating and Cooling Loads 1MEP 636Elective
Pneumatic and Hydraulic SystemsMEP 552Elective
Control ElectronicsCCE514Elective
Developing Software for Engineering ApplicationsMEP 580Elective
Operation and Maintenance of Air Conditioning SyMEP 661Elective
Renewable Energy SystemsEPM 625Compulsory
Advanced ThermodynamicMEP 536Elective
Renewable Energy TechnologiesMEP 663Elective
Gas DynamicsMEP 524Elective
Steam Power StationsMEP 539Elective
Pump Design 1MEP 513Elective
Gas DynamicaMEP602Compulsory
Aerothermodynamic Design of Jet EnginesMEP 629Compulsory
The Finite Element Method for EngineersMEP 603Compulsory
Combustion EngineeringMEP 624Elective
Advanced Fluid Dynamics MEPMEP 601Elective
MultiPhase FlowMEP 612Elective
Gas DynamicaMEP 602Elective
Intelligent Machine s603Elective
Economics of Power GenerationMEP 618Elective
Water DesalinationMEP 623Elective
Boundary Layer TheoryMEP 616Elective
Computational Fluid Dynamics )1(MEP 606Elective
Advanced Heat and Mass TransferMEP 608Elective
Advanced ThermodynamicMEP 607Elective
Turbulent FlowMEP 614Elective
Steam Power st ationsMEP 617Elective
Unsteady Flow of FluidsMEP 613Elective
Advanced TruboMachinesMEP 620Elective
combustion EngineeringMEP 611Elective
Advanced Control SystemMEP 638Elective
Developing Software for Engineering ApplicationsMEP 503Elective
Energy StorageMEP 621Elective
Special Topics in Engineerring 1MPE 649Elective
Seminar ""MEP 650Elective
Gas Turbine Engine ControlMEP 643Elective
Advanced Refrigeration EngineeringMEP 627Elective
Fluid Power SystemsMEP 615Elective
Mechanics of FlightMEP 644Elective
Aerothermodynamic Design of Jet EnginesMEP 645Elective
Modeling And Sim ulationMEP 635Elective
Dynamic of Jet EnginesMEP 646Elective
Design of Jet EnginesMEP 619Elective
Measurement SystemsMEP 610Elective
Fuel AlternativesMEP 625Elective
Fuel Injection SystemsMEP 626Elective
Air Conditioning SystemsMPE 635Elective
Air Conditioning Heating and Cooling LoadsMEP 636Elective
Advanced Topics in Air ConditioningMPE 630Elective
Mechatronics System DesignMEP 636Elective
Microprocessors in Mechanical SystemsMEP 637Elective
Heat Transfer By ConvectionMEP 631Elective
Heat Transfer By RadiationMEP 632Elective
Fuel AlternativesMEP 633Elective
The Finite Element Method for EngineersMEP 603Elective
Numerical Methods for EngineersMEP 604Elective
Sensors and ActuatorsMEP 639Elective
Digital Control Systems DesignMEP 640Elective
Special Topics in Environmental EngineeringMEP 609Elective
Robots Kinematics Dynamics and ControlMPE 641Elective
Intelligent MachinesMEP 642Elective
Special Topics in Wind EnergyMPE 647Elective
Solar energyMPE 648Elective
Current Environmental Technology IssuesMEP 651Elective
International Environmental ManagementMEP 652Elective
International Environmental Law and PolicyMEP 653Elective
Numerical Methods in Engineering TechnologyMEP 654Elective
Information Technology in Emergency ManagementMEP 655Elective
Special Topics MEPMEP 647Elective
Environmental Systems AtmosphereMEP 657Elective
Environmental Systems HydrosphereMEP 658Elective
Environmental Systems GeosphereMEP 659Elective
Map Reading Use and AnalysisMEP 660Elective
Remote SensingMEP 661Elective
Environment and DevelopmentMEP 662Elective
Renewable Energy TechnologiesMEP 622Elective
Pneumatic and Hydraulic SystemsMEP 552Elective
eqpm elts446Elective
Advanced Fluid MechanicsMEP 501Compulsory
Applied Project MathematicsPME511Compulsory
Aerodynamics 1MEP 504Compulsory
Combustion EngineeringMEP 624Elective
Advanced Fluid Dynamics MEPMEP 601Elective
MultiPhase FlowMEP 612Elective
Advanced Gas DynamicaMEP 602Elective
Intelligent Machine sMEP603Elective
Economics of Power GenerationMEP 618Elective
Water DesalinationMEP 623Elective
Boundary Layer TheoryMEPMEP 616Elective
Computational Fluid Dynamics )1(MEP606Elective
Advanced Heat and Mass TransferMEP608Elective
Advanced ThermodynamicMEP 607Elective
Turbulent Flow MEPMEP 614Elective
Steam Power st ationsMEP 617Elective
Unsteady Flow of FluidsMEP 613Elective
Advanced TruboMachinesMEP 620Elective
Heat ExchangersMEP 611Elective
Advanced Control SystemMEP 638Elective
Developing Software for Engineering ApplicationsMEP 609Elective
Energy StorageMEP 621Elective
Special Topics in Engineerring 1MEP 649Elective
Seminar "MEP"MEP 750Elective
Gas Turbine Engine ControlMEP 643Elective
Advanced Refrigeration EngineeringMEP 627Elective
Fluid Power SystemsMEP 615Elective
Mechanics of FlightMEP 644Elective
Aerothermodynamic Design of Jet EnginesMEP 645Elective
Modeling and SimulationMEP 635Elective
Dynamic of Jet EnginesMEP 646Elective
Design of Jet EnginesMEP 619Elective
Measurement SystemsMEP 610Elective
Fuel AlternativesMEP 625Elective
Fuel Injection SystemsMEP 626Elective
Air Conditioning SystemsMPE 628Elective
Air Conditioning Heating and Cooling LoadsMEP 629Elective
Advanced Topics in Air ConditioningMPE 630Elective
Mechatronics System DesignMEP 636Elective
Microprocessors in Mechanical SystemsMEP 637Elective
Heat Transfer By ConvectionMEP 631Elective
Heat Transfer By RadiationMEP 632Elective
Heat Transfer By ConductionMEP 633Elective
The Finite Element Method for EngineersMEP 605Elective
Numerical Methods for EngineersMEP 604Elective
Sensors and ActuatorsMEP 639Elective
Digital Control Systems DesignMEP 640Elective
Special Topics in Environmental EngineeringMEP 634Elective
Robots Kinematics Dynamics and ControlMEP 641Elective
Intelligent MachinesMEP 642Elective
Special Topics in Wind EnergyMPE 647Elective
Solar energyMPE 648Elective
Current Environmental Technology IssuesMEP 651Elective
International Environmental ManagementMEP 652Elective
International Environmental Law and PolicyMEP 653Elective
Numerical Methods in Engineering TechnologyMEP 654Elective
Information Technology in Emergency ManagementMEP 655Elective
Special Topics MEPMEP 656Elective
Environmental Systems AtmosphereMEP 657Elective
Environmental Systems HydrosphereMEP 658Elective
Environmental Systems GeosphereMEP 659Elective
Map Reading Use and AnalysisMEP 660Elective
Remote SensingMEP 661Elective
Environment and DevelopmentMEP 662Elective
Renewable Energy TechnologiesMEP 622Elective