Subject Name: Concrete and Steel Construction

Subject Code: CSE2153

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering

Bylaw: 7500

Department: Architectural Engineering

Elective/Compulsory: Compulsory

Course Status: Failure And In Total Subject

Course Type: Faculty requirment

Course Contents: The syllabus aims to acknowledge the student with the design fundamentals of concrete and metal constructions and selection and designing of the suitable type of foundation The syllabus includesFirst Design and analysis of sections loads distribution reinforcement details of beams slabs columns and staircases design of statically identified frames slabs of blocks and webs beams network flat slabs precast junctions of construction unitsSecond structural systems of steel constructions design loads member design for axial forces bending moment of shearing forces design of tied or welded junctions structural details of trusses and steel skeletons junction details in buildings

Teaching Hours: 5

Credit Hours: 0