Subject Name: Thermodynamics (1

Subject Code: MEP1202

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering

Bylaw: 7500

Department: Mechanical Engineering

Elective/Compulsory: Compulsory

Course Status: Failure And In Total Subject

Course Type: Faculty requirment

Course Contents: Basic concepts and definitions System and control volume Property and state Processes and cycles Work and heat transfer Work definition Work at a moving boundary Other forms of work Definition of heat transfer Comparison between work and heat Ideal gases State equation and the relation between pressure temperature and specific volume Specific heat a constant pressure and volume tables of thermodynamics Pure substances Phase equilibrium Temperature Specific volume diagram Properties of pure substances First law of thermodynamics First law for closed and open systems Application of first law on processes Internal energy Enthalpy Conservation of mass Steady state steady flow process Uniform state Uniform flow processes Gas mixtures Atmospheric air Combustion products Reciprocating compressors compressor cycle on a pv diagram Calculation of compressor work Multi stage compressor Intercooling

Teaching Hours: 6

Credit Hours: 0